Tag Archives: WeatherWarning

Man drowns in flash floods near Hochland Park after dropping off cousin

Man drowns in flash floods near Hochland Park after dropping off cousin

“If he didn’t drop me off, he would still be alive.” This is what Jakua Katjiruru told The Namibian after flash floods claimed the life of his cousin, Uaavi Kavezepa, in Windhoek on Monday evening. Kavezepa (33) died after the car he was driving was swept away by flash floods at Hochland Park. His body was later recovered in the Gammams River. Katjiruru yesterday said the river’s water level was still low when Kavezepa dropped him off at home, and he assumed it will remain safe on his way back. “We went to get the car washed in Katutura and Uaavi offered to drop me off when it started raining. He would still be alive if he didn’t drop me off,” he said. However, shortly after Kavezepa drove off, the