Tag Archives: TechnicalProfessionals

3 Reasons Why Hosting a Podcast Will Benefit you as a Technical Professional

3 Reasons Why Hosting a Podcast Will Benefit you as a Technical Professional

I have written about the benefits of being a guest on podcasts . What about being a podcast host, though? Sure, it can take some work to get a podcast started and keep it going, but technical professionals hosting a podcast can offer a myriad of benefits, too. Hosting a podcast can take your visibility, networking, and expertise to new levels. I should know. I’ve hosted the Teach the Geek podcast , for a few years and now have over 300 episodes! Here are three reasons to consider becoming a podcast host. Enhance Your Visibility Inside and Outside the Organization One of the most significant advantages of hosting a podcast is the visibility it brings. Being the host of your employer’s podcast positions you as a key representative of your