Tag Archives: MindfulLiving

The Minimalist Arms Race: When Decluttering Becomes a Competition

The Minimalist Arms Race When Decluttering Becomes a Competition

A stunning photograph of Sarah's minimalist studio apartment, showcasing her dedication to decluttering.

Picture this: Sarah, a 28-year-old graphic designer, proudly showcases her studio apartment on Instagram. The space is nearly empty, save for a mattress on the floor, a single chair, and a laptop. Her caption reads, “Living with just 57 items. Who can beat that?” Welcome to the world of competitive minimalism, where less isn’t just […]

Digital Detoxing: Regaining Life Control

The Importance of Digital Detoxing: Regaining Control Over Your Life

Are you constantly tired of feeling controlled by your phone? Do you find yourself anxiously checking notifications, only to feel overwhelmed once they disappear? In our digitally-driven world, it’s incredibly easy to get trapped in an endless cycle of likes, shares, and updates. Indeed research indicates that excessive screen time can lead to increased stress […]