Tag Archives: Episode

Star Trek: The Next Generation Plot Fans Hate Was Originally Even Worse

Star Trek The Next Generation Plot Fans Hate Was Originally Even Worse

By Chris Snellgrove | Published 20 seconds ago While it’s a great episode in most respects, many Star Trek: The Next Generation fans have learned to hate the episode “Booby Trap.” That’s because of a creepy subplot in which Geordi LaForge begins falling in love with a hologram of fellow engineer Leah Brahms, and he makes things insanely weird (we’re talking incel: the final frontier) when he runs into the real woman in a later episode. However, those fans should know that it could always be worse: originally, this hated plot was going to have Picard interacting with Brahms and ultimately saving the day. Why Star Trek Almost Made Booby Trap Worse Having the lead actor participate in this cringeworthy Star Trek storyline may very well have made “Booby Trap”