Namibia maintains top spot for best quality roads in Africa

NAMIBIA’S road infrastructure has been rated the best in Africa for 2024, according to a survey conducted by Statista, a global data and business intelligence platform.

The Roads Authority (RA) revealed that Namibia achieved an index rating of 5.57 on a scale from 1 (lowest) to 7 (highest) for road quality and extensiveness. This placed the country ahead of Egypt and Benin, which scored 5.53 and 5.00, respectively.

“Namibia has remarkably improved road quality, safety, and accessibility. Our roads now set a standard for design and sustainability that supports the safe and efficient movement of people, goods, and services across the nation,” said Dr Conrad Lutombi, RA’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

Lutombi thanked the Government, the Road Fund Administration, local authority municipalities, road users, and all other stakeholders for contributing to this praiseworthy achievement. However, he emphasised that Namibia must not become complacent, highlighting the need for sufficient and sustainable funding to maintain the country’s top position, as neglect could have severe consequences for socio-economic growth.

He also urged the public to care for road infrastructure and keep road reserves clean, addressing ongoing issues such as littering, vandalism of road signs and fences, and unauthorised construction in road reserves.


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