House of the Dragon Echoes Game of Thrones’ Gravest Insult to Starks

House of the Dragon Echoes Game of Thrones' Gravest Insult to Starks

Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

House of the Dragon’s season 2, episode 5 opens with a scene eerily reminiscent of a grievous insult to House Stark’s deeply held beliefs in Game of Thrones. Following the demise of Rhaenys Targaryen and Meleys in House of the Dragon’s season 2, episode 4, Criston Cole and Gwayne Hightower flaunt the dragon’s severed head through King’s Landing’s streets. Contrary to Criston’s expectations, the smallfolk do not cheer Team Green’s “victory,” but instead, their reaction disappoints him.

The smallfolk view the Targaryens and their dragons as divine entities. Thus, Criston Cole’s mockery of Meleys’ death and his display of her severed head stir confusion, as these creatures are typically revered with awe and fear. The smallfolk are taken aback by the notion of a Targaryen king celebrating the death of one of these mythical beasts. By orchestrating this procession, Cole repeats a mistake akin to an offense suffered by House Stark in Game of Thrones.

Celebrating a dragon’s death and parading Meleys’ head through King’s Landing is perceived as a sacrilege against the gods and dragonlords. This act ultimately mocks House Targaryen by undermining the divinity of their dragons and the image of their supreme power. This parallels House Frey’s insult to House Stark after Game of Thrones’ Red Wedding, where the Freys kill Robb Stark’s direwolf, Grey Wind, decapitate the animal, and sew its head onto Robb’s body before parading them on horseback at the Twins.

Like the dragons of House Targaryen, the direwolves symbolize House Stark’s might, being considered more powerful than other Northern creatures and connected to the First Men. The direwolves’ ancient lineage and strength render the act of beheading them a significant affront to House Stark, the North’s history, and their sacred emblems. Roose Bolton, a Northern lord, allowing this insult to the Starks in Game of Thrones is all the more deplorable.

While Arya Stark avenges House Frey’s actions in Game of Thrones’ season 6 finale, Criston’s misstep with Meleys has more immediate repercussions. The smallfolk interpret the parading of Meleys’ head as an ill omen, prompting many to flee King’s Landing in fear. Moreover, this strategy backfires, as diminishing the perception of Team Black’s dragons also weakens the image of Team Green’s own dragons. When divine dragons and Targaryens turn on each other in House of the Dragon, the rest of the realm perceives itself as being in dire peril.

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