Author Archives: Lugeretzia Kooper

Teachers accommodation must be included in school designs Nandi-Ndaitwah

Vice pesident Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah says going forward, the government will see to it that teachers’ accommodation is also included in school designs. She made these remarks when she officiated the multi-million dollar Schuckmansburg Combined School hostel facility in Zambezi region on Friday. This hostel facility, which will accommodate about 320 pupils, was built at a cost of over N$106 million by August 26 construction company. Nandi-Ndaitwah said the government has designed a road map to ensure that teachers are also well accommodated. “A well-accommodated teacher is a productive teacher, and a productive teacher will produce quality education that will lead to the development of the country,” she said. She noted that these hostel facilities will significantly improve the lives of the pupils who previously faced challenges, such as travelling long